Hear from some of our satisfied customers have to say about our products!
We use this product for cleaning everything from small oil spills to heavy equipment it is great stuff. We do recommend diluting it 5:1 for use on asphalt. We have used it for years.
Best cleaning product for every cleaning problem. From clothes to car grease and everything in between.
I’ve used this product to clean in the kitchen, the garage and even laundry. I recommend this to anyone needs to clean up a greasy mess or simple oil stain.
I was like some the other reviewers, in regards to using Simple Green as my all around cleaning agent, however Oil Eater far exceeded my expectations. I have yet to find anything that it can’t clean. I had a pair of blue jeans with grease stains that I’ve tried to clean with SG, bleach, and stain a stick but nothing worked. I thought the stain was set in but I try OE before washing and to my surprise it not only removed the stain but my jeans completely looked cleaner. It’s not the cheapest product but it’s the best. I’ve tried diluted 50/50 with water and it works fine for most cleanups, however I keep a bottle full strength for the tough stains.
I use this product in the kitchen for the stove, pots, vent fans, ceiling fan, cabinets and anything else that gets greasy. For laundry it takes out spots like nothing else – even old grease spots. I use it on my floors for heel marks, on the deck for patio furniture and the grill, on the tiles in the shower, in the power washer to clean the driveway, stone steps and for anything else that is dirty!!!
For three years I have run a car detailing business out of my home, the business would be impossible without your product, every vehicle has the engine detailed and some like diesels are really dirty, spray a 50/50 mixture on for a short time and power wash, the end is a clean motor, just ordered another gallon from Amazon as supplies getting low. Also use your product on T-shirts and the outdoor table top to eliminate grease stains. Forgot that on the huge car rims on European vehicles the rims have a lot of brake dust which is labor intensive but you cut the detailing issue. Feel free to use this email if you so choose.
A very good cost effective cleaner. Works great on waterbased ink. Pleasant odor and easy to use.
Oil Eaters has been around for a long time. Costco use to sell a gallon in the store with a oil eater 16oz bottle. Now they just sell 4-1gal jugs in the web, but I am glad they just sell it. It is by far the BEST driveway cleaner you can buy. It does not have any acid in it, so it safe to go into the storm drains from washing a driveway. Also I mix it 1 part Oil Easter and 4 parts water to made a great carpet cleaner.
Cuts grease even on my clothes. Great for bathroom and kitchen. Great on doors and woodwork. Great on siding and cutters.
I own an auto repair shop. We use oil eater for cleaning oil off the floor as well as getting oil and grease off engine when we work on
them. I’ve even used it to take grease out of clothing i got grease onto.
I own an auto repair shop. We use oil eater for cleaning oil off the floor as well as getting oil and grease off engine when we work on
them. I’ve even used it to take grease out of clothing i got grease onto.
Without a doubt this is the best laundry cleaner…removes spots of whatever, grease etc by just adding to your washer along with whatever detergent you may use. I don’t even spot clean grease on my husband’s work pants….it’s like a miracle…and no scrubbing involved!
Finally a product that actually works! Have tried many products for outdoor kitchen/grill area and this is the first one that actually worked. All the reviews are right on – it is truly a great product! Highly recommend it.
I agree with all of the reviews (my son is a mechanic). Oil Eaters is unbelievable. The greatest use ever is in a relatives’s beauty shop. I constantly get black permanent hair dye as well as other colors on my clothes. One quick spray on my clothes and when I get home into the wash and voila no stain.
You Know you have a great product here. Everyone that uses it-loves it! Now why would you not retain it in the majority of your warehouses in a reasonable size we all use? Return it to all locations, gallon with spray bottles. Great Product!
This is the best degreaser I have ever used! It worked as a pre laundry cleaner better than any I’ve ever used.
I won’t use anything else! It’s a miracle worker for my children’s laundry, and kitchen towels! There’s many so called ‘oil removers’ out there but there’s only one that works, OIL EATER.
This is a fantastic product. From degreasing oil car parts to cleaning up the drive way. Best out there
This degreaser is a miracle product. It degreases stove grates, kitchen cabinets, laundry stains and much more.
I have try most cleaners (Simply Green, Grease Lightning and many others). This is the best cleaner on the market. My wife and I used it on getting baby formula out of the clothing when our children were infants. This product was the only one that was able to get clothing clean on the first try. The cleaner is very safe for laundry.
I agree with what everyone else has said. This stuff is great. When I could not get in the store I tried Simply Green and it does not half as good as Oil Eater.

Toll Free: 800-528-0334 | Phone: 847-763-0333 | Fax: 847-763-0334
Address: 3555 West Howard Street Skokie, IL 60076-4052
E-mail: sales@oileater.com