How to Clean Tips
How to Clean Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks and Patios
Here’s what you’ll need
to get the job done:
- Bucket
- Garden hose
- Soft bristle brush, broom or pressure washer
- Oil Eater® Cleaner Degreaser
Over time, dirt and debris can build up on concrete surfaces like driveways and patios. Oil stains on driveways, dirty cement patios, and soiled grimy sidewalks look terrible and hurt your home’s curb appeal. A simple way to give your property value a boost is by cleaning your stained concrete, driveways and paver surfaces with Oil Eater® Original Cleaner & Degreaser.
Oil Eater® Cleaner Degreaser is a professional strength concentrate. Its powerfully concentrated formula will give the stains on your concrete or pavement a pounding without harming the environment. It’s biodegradable, non-toxic, non-corrosive, and easy to use.
Here’s what you’ll need to get the job done:
- Bucket
- Garden hose
- Soft bristle brush, broom or pressure washer
- Oil Eater® Cleaner Degreaser Professional Strength Concentrate
If you’re using a brush:
First, fill the bucket with a 10:1 mixture of water and Oil Eater® Cleaner Degreaser.
Then hose down the concrete surface with water. You should also wet down any surrounding landscaping. It’s best not to work in direct sunlight as it dries the surface too quickly.
Working in sections, scrub the concrete with the soft bristle brush or broom. Let the cleaner soak for five minutes, but don’t let it dry.
And finally, rinse the section you just cleaned, as well as the landscaping, with water before the cleaning mixture dries. Repeat these steps until you’ve cleaned the entire surface.
If you’re using a pressure washer:
Before you start, cover any landscaping that may be damaged by the pressure washer, and test a small section of the surface with and without water to check for compatibility. We also recommend wearing safety goggles whenever using a pressure washer. As always be sure to follow all of the safety and use instructions from your pressure washer manual.
Hose down the entire driveway with water and avoid working in direct sunlight as it dries the surface too quickly.
Next, prepare your pressure washer by filling its chemical tank (if equipped) with Oil Eater® Cleaner Degreaser, being sure to dilute with water per your manufacturer’s directions. If no dilution instructions are available, use 10 parts water to 1 part cleaner as a starting point. If your pressure washer does not have a chemical tank, apply the cleaner to the surface being cleaned using a garden spray tank and a dilution ratio of 10:1. Apply Oil Eater® Original Cleaner & Degreaser to the concrete surface. Work in small sections and never allow the cleaner to dry without rinsing.
Let it sit for five minutes, but don’t let it dry. Then rinse the surface well with a high-pressure setting. Repeat in sections until you’re finished.
Gently spray your landscaping again with water to rinse off any cleaner that may have splashed and then you’re done!
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