Cleaning Critters: Parts Washer Microbes
Cleans the oil from your cleaning solution
Adding one pouch per week keeps cleaning fluid CLEANING!
Oil Eater Cleaning Critters our new line of bioremediating microbes love to eat oil and other hydrocarbons and convert them into harmless by-products of water and carbon dioxide. Our Parts Washer Cleaning Critters have been specially designed to work with our Flex Line Parts Washing units. Regular use of our Critters in your part washer keeps the cleaning fluid clean virtually eliminating the expensive cost of servicing your parts washing machine.
Better yet, unlike competitors machines, our Parts Washer Cleaning Critters come packed with our exclusive odor control system to inhibt the smell associated with microbe based cleaning systems.
Toll Free: 800-528-0334 | Phone: 847-763-0333 | Fax: 847-763-0334
Address: 3555 West Howard Street Skokie, IL 60076-4052